Sunday, June 25, 2006

Yea, gonna pack things to camp in hospital le!!! =) Gonna stay there for four to five days man. I have nv been to hospital before leh like so fun~
My surgeaon looks very blur leh, if he counts the six openings wrongly how??? Die.
Also, hv to eat one to two weeks of liquid food leh. One day of adult milk is crazy enough liao. Die.
Lastly, muz recuperate at home for at least one month leh. DIE!!!
Ok, enough of dying. I shall go eat my laz dinner now...before I get well that is.
Disclaimer: This pic is NOT me, though I wish I have so many ppl taking care of me there, with me in good condition.
P/S: Can help me tell God I would be good n let me be free soon? *plead imploringly*
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 3:06 PM
Friday, June 23, 2006
Wah, four nights only and I dreamt of three dreams already...
1) It looks like an orientation camp to me. We do plenty of things like dragon boating, cheering, singing and climbing obstacle stairs. Out of which, obstacle stairs looks interesting...We proceed into a room whch is filled wif rectangularly shaped staircases. Underneath the transparent and fragile staircase is a very choppy sea.

Initially, I dare not cross it as any pressure is liable of breaking it n therefore fall into the deep sea. After a long time, I pluck up my courage n step on it gently n it becomes a normal staircase. I am amazed that 3-D effect of the sea can be so lively when one looks from the entrance. This tells us not to look at things from the surface and obstacles may not be as hard as u think they are once u choose to overcome them. In my dream there are a lot of cute gentlemen too! Also, I have composed a melodious song for camp nite. =)
2) This seems to be part of my life in university. I keep on getting lost in the campus as I have poor direction sense. Also, there are four peeping toms following me around no matter whch toilet I am going to have my shower. They very shameless as they never hide their motive to peep at girls taking shower. -_-" In the end I buay tahan be smelly n go home to take shower le. =(
3) This seems to be primary school life to me. I am solving math problems on the floor wif classmates. One question has equation: 11-3y=4x-a and a graph. I am using simultaneous equation and telling my peers how to solve it.

Soon the lesson ends, one of the gals yinglei is sitting on my stuff. As I'm a very kangchiong person I take my stuff n leave the place quickly. Accidentally, I have taken jieying's stuff as well with whch has her name on the first page n arabic words on following pages. It seems in my dream I'm also a super blur person. =/
I remember one fren used to say if ur dream has colors, u r smart. Well, mine not only has vivid colors of the choppy sea, there are 3D effects, song, math equation, dialogue, arabic words etc. Most importantly, I remember my dreams so well!!! Guess I'm more than smart~
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 2:45 PM
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Today I very happy went to JP TOYSRUS n happened to meet two japanese yandao. Dun play play they both yoyo world champion k.
One is chubby n erm...japanese dar lei panda. =)

Another is super yandao!!! Especially the childlike smile can melt anyone.

Too bad I only took pics whch is very challenging as they juz changed poses like so zai lor. Was thinking of filming them down, but mama besides me was pulling me like "go liao, go liao" n I was like "bu yao ma, bu yao ma". Then I dunoe how to record it down without those sound. -_-" Next time if meet them agn sure make them my didi n take pic wif them. HAHA.
P/S: Hopefully my cold will subside very soon. DAMN IT!
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 5:00 PM
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I dunoe why. Sometimes I just like animals more than human beings.
Also, I like babies more than adults.
P/s: Y liddat one~~~ I reduced weight (3kg) by eating all these rubbish n now my height (2cm) decreased oso. Noooo! I'm shrinking!!!
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 11:16 PM
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Dear XXX,
I wish that you can remember me. I may not be pretty but I am young; I may be shy in words but I can sing; I may not be outstanding but I am uniquely me. The bottom line is: I want you to leave a place in your heart that I exist, as it is too intimidating to think that you are leaving the world without leaving a trace...
I do not dare to be too involved in any relationship with anyone, as I cannot bear to lose that person one day. Similarly, I do not want to be too serious sometimes, as life is after all so short, nobody escapes out life alive, doesn't he?
Personally, I've lost someone close since primary school days. He had committed suicide. The lose was so sudden that I cannot believe it till today and the pain was so excruciating to realize that a same age person, a soulmate and a neighbour could just vanished besides you, forever. I had tried many ways: to hide myself in denial, to seek help from higher power like god, to console myself he is now in better hands, but I just cannot face the reality that he is gone forever.
I know the pain of losing someone dear to me, but what if one day I were to leave, will there be anyone remembering me, missing me?
I am having a major operation on 27 June, finally. I do not want you to remember me if I were to go. All I want you to remember is:
Thanks for being part of my life and I have truly loved you.
With Love,
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 11:40 PM
Saturday, June 10, 2006
My left arm now so yucky wif blue patches.... =(

I love my right toufu look! =)

Me: Is blood drawing painful?
Nursi: I give u local anesthetics jab first?
Me: Then is anesthetics jab painful?
Nursi: -_-''
Someone sayang me pls!!!
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 10:19 PM
Today I went to donate blood...
Never in my life did I feel so vulnerable, I have fainted for the first time and then second time.
Even thou I'm havin menses, I took a few iron tablets and heck into the donation room. I was thinking I must be very brave to do all these coz besides my monthly
contribution, I had not donated blood before.
Just as I was walking out of the donor room, I fainted without even realising so. Luckily, the doc was nearby and attended to me by...slapping my face. N my first reaction is: so paiseh, wearing skirt dunoe if got zaogeng while falling down...
I took it as perhaps I had lost too much blood at once and never took into heart. After all, all these happened in a split of sec. However, when I had rested at home for a few hours and went to use the toilet, alas, I fainted again! The good thing is I woke up quite fast as my head was too painful upon falling.
Just thot a lot while I was resting... I was not afraid of donating blood but great fear immersed me after I fainted twice in a day. I am still so young and I have so so much to accomplish. I want to graduate from uni and work, I want to get married and have babies,I want to foster my children so that they can grow and have their families, and most importantly, I want to take care of my parents. As the only child, I have the responsibility to do it and thus I have to live longer than them.
Courage is not about having no fear, it is indifferent. Courage is about having fear, yet muster enough courage to carry on!
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 9:44 PM