Monday, October 30, 2006
Exams are coming!!! ^^
exams = delicious food + tonics + freedom + holiday is near~~~
Relax, nothing will be too difficult for my smart brain!

(must think positively ma, wat to do...)
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 1:21 AM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
This is my darling under the sun! It is smiling at me... =)))

pursuing my happiness with passion@| 12:04 AM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Guys, meet my darling~~~ ^^

Chio rite? See i so nice, take good care of it inside a TIGER jar. KEKE xp

Lastly, wish myself happy birthday on 25oct!!!
*must be happy always*
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 1:13 AM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
How I wish you would be there for me.
When I need a shoulder to lie on and a warm hug,
I wish you would be there for me to nestle beside and pat my head gently.
When the night is cold or when I am badly hurt,
I wish you would protect me from the darkness and nurse my pain.
When my heart is trembling with fear and eyes filled with tears,
I wish you would comfort my soul and kiss my teardrops away.
When I am down and lost in my paradoxical world,
I wish you would take my hand to guide me and never let it go again.
When the future is too bleak to see and steps too harsh to proceed,
I wish you would look into my eyes to give me the courage to carry on.
When I am passionate about you and love you so deeply,
I wish you could reciprocate my kisses and tell me you love me the same way I do.
I may not be a perfect lover, but I am willing to give you the best of me that I can ever give because I love you.
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 11:22 PM
Sunday, October 01, 2006
My hair is quite long now, esp the fringe which always pokes into my eyes. GRRRR. So I try to comb it side parting. Really look forward to style n dye my hair soon. Patience patience...

pursuing my happiness with passion@| 12:43 PM
Nice till i become 42kg!!! =P

pursuing my happiness with passion@| 2:50 AM