Saturday, January 13, 2007
Tried a few nice choc recently so wana share here...
1) Royce Nama

Review: It is one of the bez choc I've ever tried! It is kinda rich & smooth choc that juz melts in your mouth when you french-kiss it with your tongue~ Totally yummilicious!!! However, I find the dark choc powder that dust on it rather pointless. Maybe it is for solidification purpose so the choc wont be sticky to the box. Now I announce this tree-bark looking choc to be my new favourite! ^^
2) Royce Liqueur Choc

Review: Another delightful product from Royce! It is on par with higher end product like Godiva's liqueur choc. There are five diff wines in these little faries: yellow-Grand Marnier; red-Bisquit; pink-Cointreau; blue- Smirnoff; green-Jacohert. They taste winey n crunchy as well. I guess the chunchiness is due to the sugar crystals form at the bottom. A bit drunk after eating juz 2 of them.
3) Awfully Choc Ice Cream (dark)

Review: A very rich dark choc taste! I like it v much coz its simply dark choc taste n nothing else. Not much emulsifier, sweetener or artificial flavouring. Also, it din melt after 2 hr plus travelling journey w.o ice pack whch is amazing. To enjoy it is pure bliss!
I'm really fortunate to taste all these delicacies! At the same time quite surprised not many ppl know them when I put them as part of my MSN nick. Actually all of them are donated by my fren who commented: You never tried Royce before? Then you really haven't enjoy good things in life yet. Now, my next mission is to share my bliss with other ppl as well. ^^
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 1:03 AM