Nothing much happened recently, juz some foodie pic to spice things up. I guess I've the potential to b a glutton~ ^^
My fav combo in Swensen~ Gold rush!!!
Top 5, most economical choice of 5 ice cream. Simplicity is good!
Beef steamboat. They carve the mushroom n carrot till so cute! ^^
I think the egg white helps to soften the beef. (see I smart)
End product: tender beef slice + satisfied cat.
I *heart* the eggie of crab~ Got fish meat inside as well v appetizing!
This dessert v creative looks like apple but tastes otherwise.
The stalk and core is made of choco thus I hurriedly dig them up n destroy my apple! ^^ The green part is peppermint.
My fav jap dish is...wasabi!!!
Total damage: Green tea, Salmon Sashimi, Beef steamboat, Crab eggie rice, Chiwamushi, Softshell crab handroll, Seasoned octupus, Apple dessert.
Then, we went on to eat Nacho+lemon tea combo 7/11 and my fav fish soup!!! That's all for my dinner, (if someone does'nt stop me) ^^