Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Eyes tired n watery after only 2.5 hrs of slp...

My first paper is today n i went to remove my bra...ces!!! =)))

Try hard to smile now. Damn weird feeling can! ^^

Hmm, another side note: muz cut hair liao. HEE!!!
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 8:00 PM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Juz a little story for today's entry...
Once, there used to be a happy little gal who is well loved by her parents. Recently, some things changed in her family...
Her father's biz started to fail. He begins to get drunk and return late at night. Unknown of wat is around him, he gibberishly spouts out nonsense and even beats his family members up. Once, the gal's arm was almost fractured by his constant grabbing. ;(
Her mother begins to nag more and more. She listens to her calls, looks at her hp, pc, letters, diary, tracks down all her contacts and even stalks her a few times. She wont believe the gal is either in sch or giving tuition. In fact, she wana take control of the gal fully by knowing every single thing she does, her whereabouts, her fren's contacts, her thoughts, her secrets...
The gal is generally v guai. She doesn't smoke, drink, club, fight, squatter away money, take drug, sex or return home after 12. Although she's quite lazy, she still studies before quiz, exams and never receive any tuition hereself. Also, she earns her own pocket money for all her spending on food, clothes, travel, daily products, dental fee etc.
Yet, they reported police once she came back almost 1am coz of supper. Not that she din wana report, her hp was low batt despite her calls to home. This reminds of her that her mum called all her classmates up when she returned home 6pm in sec sch. She din own a hp till jc and she was merely studying in the lib. After that fateful day, her mum opens her door w/o permission every 2-3 hrs to check her out or calls her every hr outside.
The gal's also not allowed to hv any bf till uni grad. Sad to say, thy already planned her life for her since she's the only daughter. They wan her to study well and get a good job. As for bf and marriage, they can easily matchmake her to some guys they fancy and would provide for her.
(Pls, I dun like to complain tt much abt my life as I treat it as a gift. Juz treating my blog as Auntie Agony for tonight to destress before examination. Grrr~ ^^) p/s This teddy v cute hor?^^ Juz had a glimpse of it at Boon Lay interchange n it disappeared forever! *cry*
(Disclaimer: I juz posted on my blog to rant out my stress, not to complain to anyone. So use ya brain n dun tell me 1) you think my family perfect meh 2) you are really so chiam meh )
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 1:04 AM
Sunday, April 08, 2007

I've told u guys I live at Little Bangla liao. See!!!

Many many many choc before exam...pure bless~ ^^

Some ex one from Royce and Leonidas!!! ^^
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 11:00 PM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

*headache checked, fever checked, nauseous checked, dun check me into hospital plsss*
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 2:31 AM