Thursday, December 13, 2007
Whenever I look at Naruto kun he ll remind me of something whch I cant really tell...until I stumble upon this expression.

Gosh, they sure look identical, even the orange outfit!!! ^^

p/s: I still lub u the most, gar gar (garfield)~
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 9:55 PM
Sunday, December 09, 2007
I'm been watching Naruto most of the time after exam (guess I'm the laz person on earth to do so). It is really entertaining yet meaningful!
Naruto kun is really a determined person and so are Lee san, Sasuke kun and many many others in the show. The ninjas display high level of courage in the battles despite the difficulties they face and regardless of their limited capabilities and predestinated fate. The scenes where the characters fell and plucked themselves up certainly have touched the hearts of many fans.
It makes me wonder about is there ever something called "impossible"? I guess one's potential is really limitless. An important triggering factor is to believe in yourself which makes one bounce back no matter how harsh the situation is. Also, it is true that there is no shortcut to success and the only route is through pure hard work. We shall take things one at a time and tell ourselves to do just a bit more whenever we wana give up.

*one major side effect is craving for ramen*
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 11:11 PM