1. Study smart
a) I used to exert pressure on myself only but no effective solution is worked out this way. Instead, I shall now start finding pleasure in my studies in order to be passionate about studying. Pressure can only keep you from the bottom but pleasure can help you reach out for the stars!
b) Also, I shall be more disciplined and consistent in my revision. 明日复明日,明日何其多。日日复日日,万事皆蹉跎。(Things to be done today shall not be left till tomorrow as tomorrow is a never ending vicious cycle)
c) Last and most importantly, I shall be more diligent despite my lazy nature. Sometimes, things are not hard but you just lack the zest to complete it. Once you start doing, you will probably continue doing and even enjoy doing it. If you ever feel like giving up, remind yourself it is just a bit more.
2. Cultivate good hobbies
a) Exercise is a good way to relax and gain energy. I detest running as I had being doing it stupidly around the track during PE since p4. I can try other things like skipping rope, swimming, badminton, dancing etc. I feel climbing stairs is stupid too as I have to climb nanyang overhead bridge everyday for sec and uni.
b) Reading is a good way of gaining knowledge and become more poised/refined. Due to hectic timetable, there are two types of books worth reading: those allow you to gain knowledge & those enlighten you/broaden your vision and perspective.
c) Music is the best way to gain spiritual comfort and touch one’s soul. So far, I have only tried singing and dancing. I wish to learn one musical instrument from piano, guitar and violin during my lifetime. This however requires enormous amount of money and time and thus more planning/preparation is needed.
3. Adapt healthy lifestyle

a) As the Greek saying goes: you are what you eat. In whole, eat more fruits, vegetables & drink more water, soup. On the other hand, avoid overly oily, sweet, salty, spicy food and alcoholic, caffeine and carbonated drinks.
b) Sleep regularly 11pm-7am to be more alert and energetic. This is easily done when one is tired but hard to when pressurized. For relaxing, chamomile tea is highly recommended which is caffeine free.
c) Exercise regularly. (as above)
p/s: So how did i spend my countdown eventually? I zzz through it from 7pm to 7am. *_* Somebody help me before I officially turn into a pig.
p/s: You wont feel NY is worth celebrating if the first thing your mum tells you in the morning is: you're one year older! As if reminding me on NY, CNY & birthday not good enough~ Again maybe it is worth celebrating, after realising sch doesn't open tomorrow. -_-"