Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Exam is so tiring la, think human beings can live much longer without taking exams.

Tell u my mama damn funny, she says "dun be nervous for exam la, at most dapao then retake lor." -_- Then when she asks how i feel abt the paper she answers herself "dun expect u full marks la uni where got full mark not primary sch, pass can liao." -_-"
With this kind of mama where got motivation u tell me!
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 9:39 PM
Monday, April 07, 2008
Exam is coming soon, how is revision for you guys? The outlook for me is not good due to pure laziness, although I planned to put study as my priority (read my new year resolution entry).
However, sometimes we procrastinate just because we do not like to do certain things, ie study. So for now, I try to forget the fact that I am studying for exam. In fact, I am looking forward to an overseas trip real soon. =)
Psychologically, people go for overseas trip for different reason. Overall, the four main reasons are:
1) Business trip: Due to globalization, it is unavoidable that people travel all over the world for their job requirement. These people put work as their priority and can only afford to travel around during leisure time.
2) Escapism: For some reasons, people also go overseas to escape from people or events. They either do not wish to face certain situation or want to shirk responsible or obligations. These people live in places where outsiders do not know and restrict their own movements.
3) Relaxation: Because of fast pace of living, people go for overseas holidays once in a while to recharge batteries. These people usually go holiday to suntan, massage, shopping for therapeutic purpose. However, they are not willing to take up challenges which are out of their comfort zone.
4) Adventure: These people travel to different places to experience different things. They are willing to try out new things such as rock climbing, scuba diving or eating exotic food. Deep down, they might be tired of the mundane life they lead currently and they also love to have freedom.
For me, I belong to the last category. Seriously, I do not mind backpacking in a foreign land and get myself silly or dirty to experience different things in life. After all, there are so many things I have not done and places I have not gone before. Also, I guess this is the best way to have a complete experience of an overseas trip.
In fact, I still miss the time in OBS where in the days we did kayaking and rock climbing and at night we slept in muddy, rocky, grassy camps for the entire week. Although we do not know each other well, I ate from their lunchbox (I forgot to bring mine), we randomly slept in any of the camps we built at night and we shared our sunblock, insect repellent, toiletries etc.
We just had so much fun doing all the silly things together and the feeling of letting go of yourself totally is orgasmic! It is when you put behind all your troubles and concerns and being unconscious of who you are and what you do. Gosh, sound so much like beer ads! ^^
If you cant find me in the pic its fine, i can hardly recognise myself either.

Okie, let's pick up the fighting spirit before exam ends. Will plan to go overseas after this exam (shall be discussed in later post). Gambatte!!!
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 2:15 AM