Saturday, May 31, 2008
Woman can also perform high level of professionism in her work,
Woman can also be assertive and direct to talk about things on the table,
Woman can also be tired of gossips and little mind guessing games,
Woman can also keep secrets just to herself,
Woman can also take in criticism positively as room for improvement,
Woman can also don't hold grudge and mind teeny things,
Woman can also crack jokes and take it in a pinch of salt,
Woman can also express her thoughts and feelings confidently,
Woman can also render help and offer treat,
Woman can also take initiative without feeling embarassed,
Woman can also handle things rationally and put emotions aside,
Woman can also be fair and justifiable in her judgment,
Woman can also be logical and analytical in thinking,
Woman can also be strong to fear of nothing to protect her loved ones,
Woman can also be stubborn to admit loneliness and helplessness,
Woman can also be determined to carry out things till the end,
Woman can also think deep and far to make strategic planning beforehand,
Woman can also understand what is utmost important and make sacrifices in accordance,
Woman can also be capable of performing demanding tasks,
Woman can also be heartless to take extreme measures,
Woman can also separate working from playing,
Woman can also have sexual needs and desires,
Woman can also have pride and ego.
Woman is like water, she can be so versatile to take the shape of any container she is been placed in, and the greatest of them all has the name Mother.
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 6:57 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
These few weeks have been busy with DIP (design and innovative project) days and sometimes even nights. It is both mentally torturing and demoralising when you cant even program out something which appears to be simple, or at least at first sight la. Indeed I tried v hard to make it work but it juz refuses to obey me and even asked my fren to help to modify the program during the weekend.
Recently, managed to catch 2 movies: What happened in Vegas & Indiana Jones with 2 different frenz. Both r worth to watch!!! Went GSS shopping at Orchard laz sat with another fren as well. My fren said I'm not fit to be a gal coz I cant stand the crowd and neither enthu to shop. Really, I was busily looking for seats while HE shopped around. (DUN BUY CK SHOES THEY BITE BIG TIME SIA!!!)
It's really funny people always judge others and jump into conclusion. In return, they make all kinds of fallacious statements. The truth is one can never understand another person well enough to make a rightful judgement.

Sometimes guys r really dumb...
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 12:47 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The world has changed a lot in the past few days. In the Si Chuan earthquake, numerous lives were lost and home were gone all of a sudden. No doubt, it is a big hit to many, as who is to think life can be that fragile and unpredictable... For a disaster like this, many helping hands are extended regardless of languages spoken, races, religions and political stands, as human beings are afterall group species.
Today, one of my friend is going army, as he had made a decision to switch course. (I might not agree to his decision, but I admire his courage to dare to pursue his dream) Another one is going to start working in a new company upon graduation.
In life, we will face many changes, regardless good or bad, whether if we like it or not. Indeed, life can be that unpredictable and fragile, but one's will can be powerful as well.
Everyone has to begin somewhere, however, it is the true determination that carries him far.
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 12:34 PM
Saturday, May 03, 2008
I juz discovered that i have horrible shopping pattern!!!
As a gal, i seldom shop. In fact, i only shop for clothes twice a year ie CNY, Christmas or pei my frenz shop. Opposite of me, my mama shops in a scary manner.
Once, she wana buy some fishballs for relatives, she ended up purchasing other balls, then she bought an ice bag to store them, then she bought a bag to contain the ice bag, then she bought a box of biscuits to get the bag free, then she bought milo to eat w biscuit....i hope u get my story.
Yea, in a way u can say her buy pattern is kind of logical, like cause n effect relationships. Now i kind of inheritated this, but in a subconscious manner.
Look, this is my NTU matrix card, in red, black and white.

Somedays back, i bought myself a wallet, whch is in red, black and white.
See how wonderfully both of them match.
Then i realise i actually hv an outfit whch can promote my wallet, in red, black and white.

I swear i din even try a bit to match them, all the things juz happened! -_-"
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 10:03 PM