Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Peep, muz try out this fun website! Can morph anything under the sun (as long got eyes, nose, mouth can liao). The TBI (theory behind it) is image processing, reminds me so much of DSP and communication principles. GRRR!!!
There are top 3 nicest morphs:
Candidate 1: Ayumistal (fulfills my dream of being jap gal)

Candidate 2: Jennifestal (she has a cute face and a cute butt)

Candidate 3: Hinstal (my ultimate darling!!! and tats our baby~)

There are top 3 funniest morphs:
Candidate 1: Harristal (wat a studious gal...or boy)

Candidate2: Shrekstal (this is when i mate with Shrek)

Candidate 3: Gollumstal (this is my alien self)
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 7:54 AM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
First of all, sorry for lack of updates for being busy and lazy. Of coz I do feel guilty, but its like kinda withdrawl syndrome, when one kept on withdrawing, simply coz nothing triggers her to write... =/
However, I've a brilliant idea now. I shall hv a theme for my blog. The idea I've on my mind now is to write review on stuffs newly developed by latest technology aka entrepreneur. No, it is not gonna be high tech/CREATIVE products/electronic gadgets only, it can be ANY innovative and interesting products in the market.
The POV I hold is purely as a user, can be reviewed upon 1) Usefulness -conveniency, effectiveness, durability etc 2) Cost - ROI 3) Appearance 4) Potential Market Value
Do look forward to my future posts! =)
P/S: I've included a lot of blog links at left side panel, have a look if u r free~ ^^
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 1:50 AM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Now, I dun get elated, angry, sad over such people anymore. What's the point? The other party won't have the slightest tinge of guilt or shed a single drop of tear.
Maybe it is also part and parcel of growing up, when people become more mature and composed. At a positive side, it is called emotionally stable and in plain term, it is numb and indifferent to others.
Christal, shine now!!! If I dun shine now, when ll i be given a second chance? Live your life to the fullest and most desirable way. It ll be a blessing to those who love you and a "revenge" to the opposite.
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 9:59 PM