Monday, December 29, 2008
"Westerns" should all know since a year ago Jurong Point as started its expension project. It kinda created troubles for me coz 1)further distance to bus stop/shopping mall and 2) I hv no GPRS implanted so being constantly lost is my forte.
Last week, the enlarged JP has finally reopened!!! The fruit is sweet: Singapore's largest suburban shopping mall with >400 retailing/dinning stores. In fact, it has become so ass kicking big that not to get lost is IMPOSSIBLE! It is almost 3 times bigger in width and depth with many new shops of names unheard of. (how I wish I can become super rich to shop all of them...aza aza fighting)
We went to shop at Fair Price (dunoe why I juz LOVE to go to supermarket/pharmacy/dinning places). Was kinda sleepy so when a random guy asked "wan this chocolate or not" I instantly replied "dun wan not nice one". Then his frenz stunned and followed by lauffing nonstop... =.=" Guess wat I saw later, not only JP invaded by many unknow stores, there are many this thing all over the place...

I can understand bears coz they are cute n huggable.

I can understand "personified" milo tin with hands and legs as its like Singapore's local product already.

But...tell me wat is this thing?! It looks exactly like sh*t. And the minute I saw it, it started to use its hands to support its head and VIBRATE. OMG, a vibrating sh*t!!! It totally woke me up at the instant and I couldnt stop lauffing at it. (later realise the person inside actually can see, so paiseh)In case u wana know, this is chipmore's mascot lar. So cute hope ya can bring more business. *PAT PAT PAAAT*

Recently bought some shirt from Bosinni oso. The LITTLE MISS series has come back, and I bought them in kid's version instead! =))) Dun u find it annoying that u pay same price for XS gal and XL guy? It is so unfair as material used, shipping etc is doubled lor.

So buy kid's clothes is good as
1)more worthy u get to buy biggest size while u buy smallest for adult (size in 120/130/140/150/160)
2)the printing is much cuter than adult's version
3)the material used is betta than adult's version
4)much more unique than normal adult shirt where u can bump into a few at Bugis especially
5) it is cheaper too
No need to be petite as I can wear with plenty extra space, but make sure u r at most 160cm la! ^^
Being living at Jurong since pri sch, really hope it can be developed to be betta n betta, like CBD area kind. Then, that someone wont say this place is "bird oso wont lie egg". *punch*
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 5:59 AM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Christmas is coming!!!
Pet + Christmas suit == ultra kawaii!!!

Do you find the biggest difference between a cat and a dog's photo? Unlike dogs, cats always either slp or show a "tulan" face to the photographer (really cant stand toopid human beings, zzz). >.<
*credit to photographers, whoever u are! =)
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 3:58 AM
Monday, December 15, 2008
A friend used to “for sex, girls need a purpose but guys just need a place” which I beg to differ, to me:
Sex is about control. Indeed, the world is filled with temptation and desires. Indeed, everyone has lust and needs. Indeed, we are at the prime of age only once. However, it all boils down to be disciplined enough to do the right thing. What makes us different from beasts if we cannot take control of ourselves?
Sex is about choices. We can still say “no” when everyone around us is doing it. We can still decline when seduced or threatened. We can still choose not to even if we had done it before. In life, we are given choices for everything and we do things simply because we choose to.
Sex is about love and respect. We shall realize that our bodies are not just ours. If we choose to harm it, our loved ones will get hurt as a result. Retrospectively, we shall only do with the loved ones who care, protect and take responsibilities of us. It is called love making for the love we share.
Sex is a belief. To me, it is to be done with the right person for the right purpose, and it is only meaningful in this way. In life, each of us has a set of values to adhere to. We can abandon health, wealth, fame, power but not this belief, as without this belief we are reduced to nothingness.
P/S: Maybe I should just live in the past era la. Nevertheless, this is what I believe in all the while regardless of the general social behavior and expectation today. =)
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 1:11 AM
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Time really flies, so soon a week has passed by. Had bad flu for the whole week man (it comes with a package of blocked nose, sore throat n slight fever). Popped pills and was so lethagic to do anything at all except zzz, and this teaches me to cherish my good health which I used to take for granted. Really pity those people with sinus. For I wonder how can they endure such a disastrous condition for so long, as a few nights of blocked nose can kill me already (shouldnt lauff at them with boxes of tissue, me bad).
Saturday bobian dragged my lazy body to CCK to collect my GOJANE shoes from Amy (should blog about this "bleeding" hobby of mine in another post SOON). Always buy from her as she is super trustworthy and friendly (my first and best spree organiser and friend)! =)
Then while waiting for Bernard to come, went to makan at foodcourt there. Met a stranger at table and she asked me, "Are you singaporean? You look like japanese." =.= Later chatted a while with her during the meal and found out her name is Maryjane and she is a Filipino working at Quest as a researcher. She was inquisitive about our Singapore's Education system like JC and poly while I described to her. Apparently at Philippines they go to university just after secondary school and she obtained her degree at only 20! We chatted about other random stuffs until she came to the topic of Christianity. Her religion believes we do not come to this world by chance but with a purpose in life. This leaves me ponder for the rest of the day, what is my purpose to be in this world then?

Went shopping with Bernard at Expo JL mega sales. Saw clusters of clothes, daily products and foodie! So many stuffs to choose from and we shopped fast. (Gals shop with pleasure and guys shop with purpose) In the end only bought this queen size bedsheet+pillow case X2+bolster case for only $15.90. Is it childish?! I guess it's only normal for gals to hug bears to slp and I just have to make to do with virtual bears as my cleaniness freak mum threw away my furry frenz.

Went to makan seafood at Changi Village for dinner. Had this special dish of seashells which I ate for the first time. Taste really not bad like abalone~ Later on waited for almost one hour for 4 BBQ chix wings to come. It is really annoying as I have in turn one less hour to live in this world, GRRR. The bill came to be rather exp as well for 1 plate of BBQ, 2 plates of shellfood, 1 plate of fish and 1 plate of vege. Somemore the food is rather mediocre and waiting is mad.

Went to TCC later on to yum kopi, ok la to enjoy a cuppa of spirit lifting classy coffee. I had my staple mocha and he had a choc cake with flower tea. Really nice ambiance to chill and chat under the dim light and next to the sea (ok maybe not directly next to but indoor through the glass).

I like this white Christmas tree, bez decor with blue balls!!! ^^

The night is so silently dark with yachts floating peacefully on the sea of glittering light. One can feel the refreshing breeze carassing ya skin and catch a sniff of delicious food at the nearby sandwich bar. It is such a serene scene which makes people just wana enjoy this magical moment in complete silence.
P/S: Please tell me some inspiring books/novels to read by writing to I'm currently reading a book "Being Happy" and "Happiness Now" by Andrew Matthews. =)
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 2:52 PM
Monday, December 01, 2008
FINALLY EXAM IS OVER!!! Wah, a two week exam is like so damn long curfew. I hate to drag such things, usually finish it the earlier the betta ma. No?!
Before my last paper, my dad came back from work at Shanghai. He used to bring back "braised" stuff like chix wing, duck wing, chicken feet (damn ugly but taste damn nice) and "special egg". I really dunoe the formal name for this eggie, looks chiao tat egg and tastes like tea leaf egg but is like 1000X betta!!! This time, he bought like 50 eggs for me (vacummely packed so i assume can keep long long).
This time, of all the delicacies in China, he brought back da4 za2 xie4 aka Chinese mitten crab aka hairy crab and aka horny crab(ok maybe not the last name).
Extracted from Wiki:
In contrast, the crab is a famous delicacy in Shanghai cuisine and is prized for the female crab's ovaries. The crab meat is believed by the Chinese to have a "cooling" (yin) effect on the body. Concerns have been raised that the population and origin of the crab may be affected because of overfishing of the species in the Yangtze River. Today Yangcheng Lake is the most famous area for the Chinese mitten crabs, however, the original species had been extirpated by the early 1990s. All you can find in Yangcheng Lake nowadays is a Japanese relative (Eriocheir japonicus[verification needed]) that was introduced around 2000.
Chinese spend hundreds of yuan just to taste a small crab from that lake. But even these are in fact the more robust Japanese mitten crabs, as the original native stock in Yangcheng Lake has disappeared. Most of the Yangcheng crabs are exported to Shanghai and Hong Kong, and high-profit foreign markets. Responding to the spread of the crab to the West, businessmen have started seeing it as the new source of crab for supporting the huge appetite in China market. One proposed scheme involves importing unwanted crabs from Europe, where they are seen as a pest, to replenish local pure-bred stock.
In short, it is a delicacy and therefore must try la! If you tell me scorpion is a delicacy I wont hesitate to try too. ^^

The thing about seafood is to taste it as original as possible to bring out the freshness in it. So we simply steam them and eat with vinegar/ginger. After a whole day of smuggling them over in midst of ice, my dad says they still kick, like real.

Look at those thick, bushy, horny...oops hairy legs~ They sure look like devils but taste like erm, angels. Just kidding! Please don't eat the hair, they are for decor only.

Dont be disappointed by its petite, fugly looking appearance, when u slowly open it, the treasure is all in!!! CRAB ROE CRAB ROE CRAB ROE CRAB ROE CRAB ROE (so much it makes you insane). Now you can fully understand what is dont judge a crab by its cover.
Basically you are eating nothing but crab roe out of it. My shifu at Shanghai says they are sold dirt cheap like RMB8 for one but of coz the top grade ones can go up to RMB100+. My food khaki (dun angry ah Bernard we makan sutra like 99% when we go out lor) says they cost like SGD20+ or near SGD100 for crab meal in restaurant with one pathetic crab. Hmm, apparently everyone ate it before and hides from me!!! All in all, it's so damn nice makes one can die in peace. Hmm, how abt bring over 50 crabs from shanghai next time??? I'M SERIOUS.
pursuing my happiness with passion@| 11:19 PM